2004-04-00 - press release - NA२०६०-१२-०० - प्रेस विज्ञप्ति - नेसे

Archive ref no: NCA-18900 अभिलेखालय सि. नं.: NCA-18900

30 April 2004

बारामा सूरक्षाफौजको कारवाहीमा छ (पांच) जना माओवादी आतंककारीहरुको मृत्यू

मिति द्दण्टज्ञरज्ञरज्ञठ गते बारा जिल्लाको भालूखोला टोलमा भएको मूठभेड वारे खवर यस प्रकार छस्(

(ज्ञ) माओवादीहरुको गतिविधि बढेको खवरको आधारमा ज्ञछरज्ञट गतेको रातीदेखि नै सूरक्षाफौजले ज्ञण्रज्ञद्द ठाउंको हाईड आउटमा हमला गरी विस्थापित गर्दै लगेको। माओवादी आतंकारीबाट वागदेउ उत्तर सरस्वती डँंडँ दक्षिणमा सूरक्षाफौजमाथि सकेट वम प्रहार गरे पनि कूनै क्षति नभएको। सोही क्रममा पुरा ईलाकामा छरिएका सूरक्षाकर्मीसंग ज्ञठ गते विहान द्ध वजे जम्काभेट भएपनि भागेका ब्यक्तिलाई पिछा गर्दैजांदा लालगाउं अन्तरगत माल खोलामा पूगेको फौजमाथि अग्लो स्थानबाट माओवादीको एम्वूश टोलीले सकेटवम तथा पेस्तोलको फायर गरेको। दूवै टोली बीच करिव विहान ज्ञण् बजे सम्म दोहोरो फायर भई रहेको। करिव ज्ञण् बजे माओवादीको प्रतिकार फायर आउन बन्द भएपछि बचेका माओवादी भागेको आशंका गरी खोजतलास गर्दा छ माओवादी आतंककारीहरुको लाश फेला परेको। साथै सकेट वम( ट, मोवाईल, टेलिफोन(ज्ञ पेजर( ज्ञ तथा आतंककारी दस्तावेजहरु फेला परेको। यस घटनामा सूरक्षाफौजतर्फ कूनै क्षति नभएको।

(द्द) मृतक माओवादी आतंककारीहरुको परिचय यस प्रकार छ स्(

(क) उर्मिला अधिकारी “समिक्षा” ( निजगढ वागदेउ, बारा ( छापामार।
(ख) टीका नेपाल “प्रभा” ( बारा ( अखिल नेपाल महिला क्रान्तिकारी बारा सचिव।
(ग) शान्ति पोखरेल “नमूना” ( सिन्धूपाल्चोक, उमेर द्दछरद्दट वर्षको छापामार।
(घ) बीर बहादूर घलान “बसन्त”( रतनपूर थली, बारा ( छापामार।
(ङ) राम बहादूर लामा “समतेङ”( रतनपूर टिकौली, बारा( द्दछरद्दट वर्षको छापामार।

29 April 2004

Three (3) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 28. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Shile region of Baglung District.

April 26. In a cross firing with the armed Maoist terrorist in Sunkhara region of Mahottari District One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Bullets and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Similarly, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Kedalighat. SF recovered tactical plans that were used to attack different regions and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Soldier Escaped from the Hold of Maoist: April 26. Soldier abducted by the armed Maoist terrorist was able to escape from the hold of Maoist terrorist from Khostekhola region of Dhading District snatching the Pistol from one of the terrorist.

Maoist Dies in Bomb Blast: April 27. Maoist died on the spot when the bomb went off suddenly that was with him in Dhanusha Municipality-2 of Kailali District. The injured one was rushed to the hospital and died while he was undergoing treatment.

Weapons Handed to the SF: April 28. Locals from Khajuri region of Mahottari District has handed Two (2) Guns to the regular patrol of the Security Forces (SF).

सूरक्षाफौजद्वारा विविध सामग्री बरामद

पाल्पा जिल्लास्थित संयूक्त सूरक्षाफौजले मिति द्दण्टज्ञ बैशाख ज्ञद्द गते देखि ऐ.ज्ञठ गते सम्म पुर्वी पाल्पाका मित्याल गा.वि.स.को तमसागिरी, सहलकोट गा.वि.स.को च्यानडांडा र सूईकोट तथा माझकोट ईलाकामा गरिएको खोजतलासको कारवाहीमा माओवादी आतंककारीहरुले प्रयोगमा ल्याएका विभिन्न किसिमका बन्दूकहरु, पेस्तोल, विष्फोटक पदार्थहरु, झोलाहरु, क्यामोफ्लाईज कपडाहरु, औषधी तथा मेडिकल औजारहरु र माओवादी सम्बन्धी दस्तावेजहरु माओवादी आतंककारीहरुको बन्दोबस्ती तथा भण्डार केन्द्रबाट बरामद गरेको छ।

यसैगरी सूरक्षाफौजले गरेको खोजतलासको क्रममा मिति द्दण्टज्ञ बैशाख ज्ञट गते लम्जूङ जिल्लाको पाचोक ईलाकाबाट एस.एल.आर.राईफल नाल ज्ञ, ऐ.को पार्टपूर्जा तथा गोलीहरु, रुकूम जिल्लाको मईकोट र महतगाउंबाट सकेट बम घड, स्लिपिङ व्याग घ, आतंककारी दस्तावेज, मकवानपूर जिल्लाको नूनथर ईलाकामा सूरक्षाफौजलाई लक्षित गरी राखेको विभिन्न किसिमका बमहरु, ऐ.ज्ञछ गते पर्सा जिल्ला सोनवर्ष ईलाकाबाट ज्ञद्द बोरको बन्दूक नाल ज्ञ, स्याङजा जिल्लाको मजूवा पूलबाट सकेट बम द्द, कम्व्याट ड्रेस जोर ट, स्लिपिङ व्याग द्द, विद्यूतीय धराप संचालन गर्न प्रयोग हूने उपकरण तथा आतंककारी दस्तावेज, पाल्पा जिल्लाको मसिकोट ईलाकाबाट थ्री नट थ्री राईफल नाल घ, पेस्तोल नाल ज्ञ, बन्दूक नाल घ, सकेट बम ज्ञ, हतियारका पार्टपूर्जा, विद्यूतीय धराप संचालन गर्न प्रयोग हूने उपकरण तथा विविध आतंककारी दस्तावेज, रुकूम जिल्लाको हूकाम ईलाकाबाट बन्दूक नाल ज्ञ, विभिन्न किसिमका बम घद्द, गृनेड द्द, डेटोनेटर ज्ञद्द, स्लिपिङ व्याग ज्ञघ, विद्यूतीय धराप संचालन गर्न प्रयोग हूने उपकरणहरु तथा आतंककारी दस्तावेज, ऐ. ज्ञद्ध गते तेह्रथूम जिल्लाको सिखिम्बा ईलाकाबाट कर्डलेस टेलिफोन सेट ज्ञ, डेटोनेटर द्दठ, रामेछाप जिल्लाको भदौरे ईलाकाबाट सकेट बम ज्ञघ तथा क्यामराको फ्ल्यास बरामद गरेको छ।

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused a Pressure Cooker Bomb from a house in Dhanusha Municipality-2 of Kailali District and Road Side Bombs from the shaharetaar region of Nuwakot District on April 27. Similarly, Sf diffused a Pressure Cooker Bomb from Maanpur region of Bardiya District on April 26.

Humanitarian Assistance: In the initiation of the Security Forces (SF), the group of medical Team treated 710 Locals from Badikhel VDC of Lalitpur District on April 29. The medicine were distributed free of cost. The camp was held in Shree Path Pradarshak Lower Secondary School. Shree Rajdal Gana distributed Stationery materials to the School.

April 26. In the initiation of the Security Forces (SF), the group of medical Team treated 473 Locals from Damai Madi region of Mahottari District. Citizenship was provided to 73 Locals.

April 25. Similarly, 254 Locals of Kusaha region of Saptari District were treated. Citizenship was provided to 60 Locals, Agricultural assistance was provided to 130 Locals, Aged allowances, Widow Allowances and Disable allowances was provided to 117 Locals and 497 Domestic animals were treated and medicine was distributed.

26 April 2004

Four (4) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 25. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, Three (3) Maoist Terrorists were killed in Jakshibhir region of Dailekh District and One (1) Maoist Terrorist was killed in Bafauni region of Bajura District. SF recovered Socket Bombs and equipments used to conduct electric ambush from the region.

Soldier attained Martyrdom: April 25. One Soldier attained martyrdom in Hatthikhemba region of Panchthar District in an Electric ambush conducted by the Maoist Terrorist.

5-year-old boy Dies in Bomb Blast: April 25. A Five-year-old boy, Sabin BK, died when a bomb left out by Maoists went off suddenly at Dhikhichour region of Baglung District.

Humanitarian Assistance: In the initiation of the Security Forces (SF), the group of medical Team treated 611 Locals of Chitapol and Nakhel VDC of Bhaktapur District on April 25. The medicine were distributed free of cost.

Similarly, Agricultural assistance was provided to 130 Locals, Citizenship was provided to 145 Locals, Passport to 2 Locals, 504 Domestic animals were treated and medicine was distributed.

25 April 2004

One (1) Maoist Terrorist Killed: April 24. One Maoist terrorist was killed in Bunkot VDC, Kaule Bhangar region of Gorkha District when he tried to ran away after he was warned by the Security Forces (SF). SF recovered Two (2) Guns, Four (4) Socket Bombs, Thirteen (13) Detonators, Explosives and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Soldier attained Martyrdom: April 25. One Soldier attained martyrdom in Kholibhanshar region of Panchthar District when a grenade went of suddenly that was carried by him.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused different Kind of Bombs placed by the Maoist terrorist in Motibasti region of Kanchanpur District on April 24 and a Vessel Bomb from the road nearby Puwakhola region of Illam District on April 23.

Local Abducted: Maoist has abducted Goma Khattri from Dhulachhap VDC Nisankha of Okhaldhunga District on April 24.

23 April 2004

Eight (8) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 21. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist open fire on the regular patrol of the SF, Eight (8) Maoist Terrorists were killed in Upallo Pachok region of Gorkha District.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused a Four Liter Pressure Cooker Bomb planted in the BICC Hall Minbhawan of Kathmandu District on April 23.

6-year-old boy Dies in Bomb Blast: April 22. A Six-year-old boy, Sujan Sapkota, son of Ravi Sapkota died when a bomb left out by Maoists went off suddenly at Aarthunjedanda region of Magdhi District.

22 April 2004

Three (3) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 21. In a search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Dhangada-5 of Sarlahi District and Two (2) Maoist terrorist were killed in Deurali Bhanjang of Nuwakot District. SF recovered Five (5) Socket bombs from Dhangada-5 of Sarlahi District.

Locals Abducted: Maoist terrorist has abducted Two (2) Locals from Lampantaar VDC of Sindhuli District on April 19.

Humanitarian Assistance: In the initiation of the Security Forces (SF), the group of medical Team treated 572 Locals from Dhanushadham VDC of Dhanusha District on April 21. The medicine were distributed free of cost.

Similarly, Citizenship was provided to 51 Locals, Passport to 4 Locals and aged allowances was provided to 242 Locals of the region.

21 April 2004

Two (2) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 20. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs and opened fire on the regular patrol of the SF, One (1) Maoist Terrorist was killed in Khawang region of Taplejung District. SF recovered Different kind of Bombs and Logistics from the dead body.

Similarly, in an operation conducted by the SF in Shimtaar region of Dang District One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed.

Gun Recovered: April 20. In a search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Chitre and Stiulkhola region of Gorkha District, SF recovered One (1) Gun.

Maoist Died in an Explosion: April 19. Four (4) Maoist terrorist died in a collision of a house in Chidipani VDC of Palpa District when the Bomb went off that was with the Maoist Terrorists.

20 April 2004

Four (4) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 19. In a operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Baseri region of Dhading District Two (2) Maoist terrorist were killed. Similarly, in a counter attack conducted by the SF when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs on the regular patrol of the SF in Aambari region of Kailali District Two (2) Maoist Terrorist were killed. SF recovered One (1) Socket Bomb, Five (5) Detonators, One (1) Multimeter and Maoist related Documents from the dead body.

Logistics Recovered: April 19. In a search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Kotako Jungle region of Kailali District, SF recovered One (1) Tractor (Se. 1. Ta. 782) used by the Maoist terrorist, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related Documents.

19 April 2004

Three (3) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 18. One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Babai River region of Mahendra Highway. SF recovered Two (2) Socket bombs, Two (2) Detonators, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related documents from the region.

April 17. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, Two (2) Maoist Terrorist were killed in Maipatala region of Illam District. SF recovered One (1) Gun, Three (3) Socket Bombs, Maoist related Documents and Logistics.

Logistics Recovered: In a search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Tamugaon region of Lamjung District, SF recovered One (1) Motorola set and Maoist related Documents on April 17.

17 April 2004

Four (4) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 17. Two (2) Maoist terrorist was killed in Nanglepa region of Panchthar District when the terrorist tried to escape from the boundary of the Security Forces. SF recovered One (1) Detonator, Rounds of 303 Rifles, and Maoist related Documents.

In a cross firing with the armed Maoist terrorist in Musalman Tol, Parshahi VDC-5 of Dhanusha District, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed and other One (1) was killed in Yadukuwa region of the same District.

Local Abducted: Chairman of the Management Committee of Palusthan Secondary School of Parbat District, Himalal Tiwari was abducted by 15-20 Maoist on April 14.

16 April 2004

Three (3) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 15. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, Two (1) Maoist Terrorist were killed in Paharethok region of Nuwakot District. SF recovered One (1) Camera, One (1) Cordless set, Two (2) Cordless Battery Charger, Six (6) Socket Bombs, Explosives and Maoist related Documents.

April 12. In a air attack conducted by the SF when the Maoist terrorist attack the chopper of the Royal Nepalese Army. One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Binayak region og Aachaam District.

Weapons Recovered: With the help from the Locals of Tribhuvanbasti Ward No. 1 "Nang' Gaon, SF was able to recover two (2) Guns from the region on April 14.

Explosives Recovered: In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Jogidanda region of Dang District, SF recovered Eight (8) Socket Bombs, Large amount of Socket Bombs on April 15. Similarly, SF recovered One (1) Gun from Kuru region of Bajura District on April 14.

Local Abducted: Vice Chairman of Rigaon VDC of Dhading District, Tara Bahadur Tamang was abducted by the group of Maoist Terrorist on April 13.

15 April 2004

Soldier attained Martyrdom: An injured soldier in a cross firing with the armed Maoist terrorist in Pipte region of Sindhupalanchok District attained Martyrdom undergoing treatment in Shree Birendra Military Hospital Chhauni on April 14. Similarly, One Soldier attained martyrdom in Nirmalpokhari region of Kaski District on April 14 and One Soldier attained martyrdom in Chishapani Bazaar region of Bardiya District on April 12.

Logistics Recovered: April 13. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Chutti region of Panchthar District, SF recovered Three Hundreds Meters (300 M) of Combat Dress, Ten (10) sleeping bags, Logistics, and Seven (7) Detonators, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Logistics from Dhokebhanjang region of Nuwakot District.

April 12. Similarly, SF recovered One (1) Socket Bomb, One (1) Detonator, Maps and Maoist related Documents from Dhulitaar region of Kavrepalanchok District and Two (2) VHF telephone set from Kharka region of Sindhupalanchok District.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused different kind of Bombs from Mahuwa VDC region of Kapilbastu District on April 10 planted by the Maoist terrorist.

12 April 2004

Six (6) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 11. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, One (1) each Terrorist was killed in Shamdu region of Terhathum District and Bheltadi region of Dailekh District. Similarly, One (1) maoist terrorist was killed in Gundu region of Kavrepalanchok District.

April 10. One each Maoist terrorist was killed in Madaardovan region of Sarlahi District and Shanubagale region of Dang District. Similarly, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in Mahadevsthan region of Nuwakot District.

SF recovered Socket Bombs and Maoist related documents from the regions.

Soldier attained Martyrdom: April 10. One Soldier attained martyrdom in Maajafal region of Dolpa District in an Electric ambush conducted by the Maoist Terrorist. Similarly, an injured soldier attained Martyrdom undergoing treatment in Shree Birendra Military Hospital Chhauni.

Bomb Recovered: In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Ghayang Simpal region of Sindhupalanchok District, SF recovered Three (3) Socket bombs and Maoist related Documents on April 11. Similarly, SF recovered One (1) Detonator, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related Documents from Tikathali region of Lalitpur District.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused Three (3) Bombs from namdu and Maina Pokhari region of Dolakha District on April 10 and a pressure Cooker Bomb from Burause region of Humla District on April 9.

10 April 2004

Two (2) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 9. In a cross firing between the armed Maoist Terrorist and the Security Forces (SF) in Chaurikharkha, Farding region of Solukhumbu District, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed in the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Five (5) Rounds and Maoist Logistics from the region.

April 7. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Khunpur region of Kailali District when the terrorist tried to take away the weapon from the Security Force (SF), One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed on the spot.

Soldier attained Martyrdom: April 8. In a cross firing with the armed Maoist terrorist One Soldier attained martyrdom in Sirsha VDC of Dadeldhura District.

Pistol and Bullets Recovered: April 8. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Bohora Dovaan region of Kavrepalanchok District, SF recovered One (1) Gun, Bullets and Maoist related Documents.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused a Pressure Cooker Bomb from Nepal Telecommunication Office Kanchanpur of Saptari District on April 8.

9 April 2004

Six (6) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 8. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Baluwa region of Kavrepalanchok District when the group of Maoist terrorist open fire on the regular patrol of the SF, Three (3) Maoist terrorist were killed on the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, 313 Different Rounds, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related documents from the region.

On the same day, in a search operation conducted by the SF in Dubiya VDC–4 of Kapilbastu District, Three (3) Maoist terrorist were killed in the counter attack when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs. SF recovered Socket Bombs and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Weapons and Explosives Recovered: April 8. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Narayansthan of Sindhupalanchok District, SF recovered One (1) Gun, Maoist related Documents and Logistics. Similarly, SF recovered Two (2) Socket Bombs and Hundred meters (100 M) of electric wire, Multimeter and Flash of Camera from Jiligaon region of Nuwakot District and Ten Kilograms (10 Kg.) of Explosives from Kailali Gaon of Kailali District.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused a Pressure Cooker Bomb from Nayabazaar region of Illam District on April 7 that was placed by the Maoist terrorist for the purpose of massive destruction.

8 April 2004

Locals beat Seven Maoists to Death: April 7. Seven (7) Maoist terrorist were killed in a retaliatory attack by the locals of Tribhuvan Basti in Kanchanpur district. Thousands of villagers of two adjoining villages came out to take on the insurgents and beat seven of them to death after capturing them. Reports said two Maoist area commanders have also been killed in the incident. Three Maoists terrorist were killed in "Ka" Gaon while four were killed in "Cha " Gaon.

The villagers are learnt to have retaliated the Maoists as the ultras tried to abduct them. The Maoists had abducted hundreds of locals earlier and had been forcing the youths to join their military.

The villagers have handed one of the captured Maoist terrorist to the Security Forces (SF). The Villagers recovered One (1) SMG and Two (2) Magazines, Fifty (50) Rounds, Guns, Socket bombs, Pipe Bombs and handed over to the SF.

One (1) Maoist Terrorist Killed: April 7. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Simsundarpur region of Dang District One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed when the terrorist threw the socket bomb and tried to escape through the jungle. SF recovered Two (2) Socket Bombs and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Weapons and Explosives Recovered: April 7. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Chutti region of Humla District, SF recovered Two (2) Socket Bombs and Two (2) Pipe Bombs. Similarly, SF recovered One (1) Tractor used by the terrorist for the purpose of carrying the goods, 790 rounds of Shotgun, Large amount of Explosion and equipments used to conduct electric ambush from Pahalmaanpur region of Kailali District.

In the search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Holadi region of Palpa District, SF recovered Three (3) Guns on April 6 and Four (4) Socket Bombs a from Madela region of Bardiya District on April 5.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused a Hoax Bomb that was placed in the road to Boudha from Chabahil on April 8 and Socket bomb from Pokhariya region of Parsha District on April 7.

7 April 2004

One (1) Maoist Terrorist Killed: April 6. In a cross firing between the armed Maoist Terrorist and the Security Forces (SF) in the junction of Manohari and Choriling river, Chainpur of Makwanpur District, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed on the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Bullets, Socket Bombs and Maoist related documents from the region.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused Bomb placed by the Maoist Terrorist for the purpose of massive destruction from Chabahil, Mitrapark of Kathmandu District on April 6.

6 April 2004

Soldier attained Martyrdom: April 5. Three Soldier attained martyrdom in Patlekhet region of Kavrepalanchok District in an electric ambush conducted by the Maoist terrorist and One SOldier attained martyrdom in Kharkanitaar region of Rasuwa District.

5 April 2004

Thirteen (13) Maoist Terrorist Killed in Different Region of the Country: April 4. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Garuwagaon region of Bardiya District when the group of Maoist terrorist open fire on the regular patrol of the SF, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed on the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Bullets and Maoist related documents from the region.

On the same day, in a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Udashipur-9 and Pahalmanpur region of Kailali District when the group of Maoist terrorist threw Socket Bombs on the regular patrol of the SF, Five (5) Maoist terrorist were killed on the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Different kind of Bullets, Explosives, Large amount of Different kind of Detonators, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related Documents from the region.

April 2. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Chitre region of Dolakha District Three (3) Maoist terrorist were killed, when they tried to escape from the boundary of the SF. Similarly, One (1) terrorist was killed in Faleda region of Doti District and Three (3) terrorist were killed in Dangoltol region of Morang District. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Bullets, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related Documents from the region.

Weapons and Explosives Recovered: April 3. In a search Operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Kukhureaahala region of Ramechaap District, SF recovered Sixteen (16) Socket Bombs and Seven (7) Coils of electric Wire. Similarly, SF recovered Five (5) Guns, from Rangapur, Parshaiya and Basantapur region of Kapilbastu District.

April 2. In the search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Dopcha region of Sindhupalchok District, SF recovered Three (3) Socket Bombs, and Bombs and Maoist related Documenst from Gumchaal region of Rolpa District.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused Two (2) Socket Bombs from the Mangalsen Hospital of Aacham District on April 4.

2 April 2004

One (1) Maoist Terrorist Killed: April 1. In a counter attack conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Bayarbaan region of Sunsari District when the group of Maoist terrorist opened fired by the Pistol on the regular patrol of the SF, One (1) Maoist terrorist was killed on the spot. SF recovered One (1) Pistol, Bullets, equipments used to conduct electric ambush and Maoist related documents from the region.

Weapons and Explosives Recovered: In the search operation conducted by the Security Forces (SF) in Khadichour region of Sindhupalchok District, SF recovered Pressure Cooker Bomb and equipments used to conduct electric ambush on March 31 and Hundred Meters (100 M) of Saftey Fuse, Eleven (11) Different kind of Bombs, Explosives and Maoist related Documents from Gaam region of Rolpa District on March 30.

Bomb Diffused: Security Forces (SF) has diffused different kind of Bombs placed by the Maoist terrorist for the purpose of massive destruction in following regions of the Country.

1) Sutle Bomb from Puraina region of Kapilbastu District on April 1.
2) Pressure Cooker Bomb from Machagadh region of Bardiya District on March 31.
3) Improvised Bomb from Mangalpur region of Kailali District on March 30.
4) Two Socket Bombs from Veerlakuri region of Baglung District and One Putla Bomb from Mangaltaar region of Kavrepalanchok District on March 29.