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OHCHR accepts no responsibility for any unauthorized edits, duplication, reproduction and redistribution of this product. As this database is an archive of existing documents, OHCHR is not responsible for any errors or misrepresentation made in materials produced by other parties. The inclusion of a report, document or other information in the reference archive is in no way an endorsement of the credibility or accuracy of the material or its source, nor does the absence of a report, document or other information reflect reservations about the credibility or accuracy of the material or its source. The archive in its current form is by no means exhaustive: given the resources required to identify and prepare relevant documents for inclusion, and the importance of providing the user with clear and verifiable sourcing for all incident documentation, priority has been given to material from organizations that have both conducted substantial human rights reporting and made this reporting readily available online. In principle, any relevant material from any source can be incorporated into future versions of the archive. The complete URL (web link) for source documents and the date of retrieval have been provided whenever possible, along with an archived copy of the original source file. Given that the URLs for many files are likely to change over time, and in the interest of avoiding broken links and in providing the user with a more stable link to a source organization's online resources, an active link to the most current homepage for each source organization or institution has been provided whenever possible. If you find that one of these links is no longer active, please notify us at  OHCHRNepalConflictReport@ohchr.org.